
New product: KOP23 - a 20kW power charger for battery voltages up to 750V and currents up to 67A

Name of the pilot demonstration project: Demonstration of smart modular construction, connectivity, and control of next-generation electrical and thermal resources

Acronym: MODEL+

Spletna stran/povezave: /

Project funding: Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport

Timeframe:   1.4.2023 - 31.8.2025

Total cost: 2.066.674,58 €

The amount of co-financing: 999.999,76 €

Nosilec projekta na Piktronik d.o.o.: dr. Miran Rodič

Leading consortium partner: REM d.o.o.

Participating organizations: DANFOS Trata d.o.o., KRONOTERM d.o.o., Piktronik d.o.o., ROBOTINA d.o.o.

Project coordination: TECES, green technologies cluster



Purpose of the project:

Development and demonstration of smart modular construction, connectivity of technologies and solutions for generation, storage and management of electricity-heat sources with the help of digital twin for energy-efficient and self-sufficient modular buildings of the new generation.

Strategic objectives

  • Demonstration of a sample innovative multi-domain modular object.
  • Achieving a wide variety of purposes, scalability, and "scalability" of relocated campsites (bases).
  • Using solutions for both civil protection and rescue and defense purposes.
  • Development and demonstration of high-tech solutions with the potential to enter new markets.

Project objectives

  • Annual savings of 21.2 t of CO2.
  • Modular object with autonomy of operation 8 h.

Developed innovative solutions

  • Modular building with new construction solutions – REM d.o.o.
  • Heating and cooling system with smart drive and artificial intelligence – DANFOSS Trata d.o.o.
  • Modular heat-energy unit (MTTE, heat pump, heat storage tank, sanitary water storage tank) – KRONOTERM d.o.o.
  • High voltage battery storage– PIKTRONIK d.o.o.
  • Energy Management System with Digital Twin – ROBOTINA d.o.o.

Broader context

PD project MODEL+ is implemented under the auspices of SiEnE - Slovenian Partnership for Energy and Environment in the Defence Field and is part of the international strategic programme Smart, Energy Efficient and Energy Independent Dual-Use Deployable Bases (Camps). As a development project, it connects various development missions (strategic areas directing the development of advanced technologies, products, and services):

Virtually zero energy and sustainable deployable smart buildings | Green energy production, conversion, and storage | Thermal, cooling, air conditioning, and ventilation technology

Public Tender

Name: Public call for recovery and resilience with pilot demonstration projects (JR DEMO PILOTS, NOO).
Ministry: Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport.
Performed by: Public agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the promotion of entrepreneurship, internationalization, foreign investments and technology (SPIRIT).